Kaysha: Young, Imaginative, Inspired by Life
Excited to announce that our upcoming exhibition “SuperRare GenZs” will open on this Friday (Oct 30) 4-6pm EST. Featured artists: blacksneakers, etiene crauss, Fakito, Fede Bona, femzor, fewocious, harvmcm, jonathanwwolfe, KaySha, MERCPIN, mushbuh, parrott_ism Time: Oct 30, 4-6pm EST Location: Decentraland SuperRare Museum (55,94) Register: https://events.decentraland.org/en/?event=c083d94f-7e4c-4506-847d-3858022de819 kaysha: We are two sisters, K. and S. We like art, maths, science, movies, legos and horses.…

Pyrex Picasso
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by jscrilla In April of 2019, my team and I spent a few days in L.A. recording an EP with Benny The Butcher of Griselda fame. He hadn’t dropped “Plugs I Met” yet but he was buzzing from his Alchemist & Daringer produced…

New Artists On SuperRare
Weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare. Cody Seekins Thailandcodyseekins.comSeekins travels the world and paints; currently from Thailand. Early art influences as a military dependent in Italy, and strong childhood fascination with fantasy novels and RPG’s catalyzed a life long creative exploration. Over time, Seekins cultivated a style born out…

SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report
October 12-18 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare. #10 A Science Fiction Story by number41 was collected by crypto_northerner for $5,547 #9 Deep Inside by number41 was collected by maxstealth for $5,661 #8 Conscious Stardust by Reisinger Andres was collected by maxstealth for $5,663…

Falco: the Art of Losing Control
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Falco is an argentinian visual artist and interactive designer who is interested in the use of data as raw material and the reinterpretation of it. As human beings, our first production worldwide is data. As visual artist, I found generative art as a…

Light Barcode by Jordan Gray
Successful bidder takes a one-of-a-kind body pillow cover (160cm x 50cm 2WT), installation grade scroll videos, and UltraHD PNG.…

Who is Android Jones?
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Android Jones: I’ve seen things in this life that I’m incapable of translating into words. In my practice I have visited realms where the imagination ends, and the terrifying beauty of infinity unfolds. I don’t know why I make this art, or what…

New Artists On SuperRare
Weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare. Kiarra Velasquez las vegaskvlsqz.comportrait artist / instagram: @kvlsqz / twitter: @KIARRAVLSQZ Reisinger Andres Barcelonainstagram.com/reisingerandresaward winning visual artist / forbes 30 under 30 shortlist / ADC young gun 17 *Collaborating with @RAC on our first ever NFT series. rosehill1999 HawaiʻiGothic Posthumanism Kayo Siddhi Kathmandu,…

Overlap: Audiovisual Landscapes
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Audiovisual artists Overlap create single screen artworks, installations and live performances. Inspired by landscape in all its forms, their working process involves adding and removing layers, degrees of opportunism and systematized chance, creating generative combinations ranging from slow transitional paintings, to fast flowing…

Weekly Top 10 Picks by Zico
“Weekly Top 10 Picks” can be contributed by anyone in the SR community. To participate send your weekly 10 favorite artworks on SuperRare to [email protected] and we’ll get your picks featured! Weekly Top 10 Picks by Zico The Eyes by Fabio Giampietro Data Sanctuary by luxpris Elephant Dreams by rac &…