New Artists on SuperRare

Weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare.


Scottish artist inspired by Greek and Celtic Mythology. Still painting Gods and Monsters after all these years.

“Asterion, the Minotaur”

Edition 1 of 1
The Minotaur was a famous monster
in Greek Mythology, the son of Queen
Pasiphae of Crete and a white bull. His
birth name, Asterion, in ancient Greek
means ‘starry one’ and suggests a link
with the bull constellation Taurus. He
was imprisoned in the labyrinth at
Crete by King Minos and fed a yearly
sacrificial offering of Athenian youths.
Eventually, the Minotaur was slain by
the Athenian prince Theseus with the
help of the KIng’s daughter Ariadne.
Digital painting, 4954 x 6000 pixels.


I am Xin, a Chinese American artist. My work probably says something about me and how I see the world. I like to make beautiful things and distort reality a little bit.

The Birth of New Venus

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Like in the famous Renaissance painting 
by Botticelli, the New Venus is the Goddess 
of Love and Beauty; she embodies a new 
hope and a sociocultural shift. The New 
Venus represents a rebirth of the gender 
ideology of being a woman; she is fearless 
and curious, she is not just a statue for 
idealization or admiration. — Painted in the 
mid-1480s by Botticelli, commissioned by 
a member of the Medici family, The Birth of 
Venus, is one of the most iconic paintings in 
the history of art. Venus symbolizes an 
idealized beauty and a religious figure.


‘voodoo artist exporting fairytales to nightmares’ Selected References: Hi-Fructose, Beautiful Bizarre, DPI Magazine, BOZAR Museum (Brussels, Belgium), Haven Gallery (New York, US), Outré (Melbourne, AU), Universal Studios, Suntup Editions, Nike.

The Nymph in Suburbs

Edition 1 of 1
The nymph was reborn in a park away
from the skyscrapers. It was dawn just
after the rain. Nobody has seen her
yet. 1600×2250 px, mp4


Li Boar is an artist and animator from Transylvania, Romania. His work is super detailed and saturated, merging a surreal outlook with cartoony sensibilities, Escheresque impossible geometry and lots of Easter Eggs.


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“Carcosa” is my SuperRare genesis piece. 
It encompasses several of the mainstay 
influences in my art: surrealism, Escheresque 
impossible architecture, a preference for 
super-saturated color work, and my passion 
for weird fiction literature. Carcosa is a 
fictional city first created by Ambrose Bierce
 in 1886 and expanded upon by R.W. Chambers 
in his infamous short story collection “The 
King In Yellow”. “Along the shore the cloud 
waves break, The twin suns sink behind 
the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa.
Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is Lost Carcosa. Songs 
that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap 
the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa. Song of my soul, my voice 
is dead, Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall 
dry and die in Lost Carcosa.”


Artist. World Creator.

The Bull & The Buddhist: Tranquility

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An ethereal harmony created as The
Bull and Buddhist collide to become
one. Equal parts rage and tranquility,
the opposing energies create a
meditative stillness in their marriage.
Made in collaboration with AI – the
Bull of Tranquility brings fortune and
abundance.  Music by La+ch




Edition 1 of 1


Frankie is a creative photographer from Salt Lake City, UT.


Edition 1 of 1
This piece represents two of the most forceful 
and dynamic elements of life in New York City, 
density and motion. New York is an ever-changing, 
moving, living organism. A tightly packed 
metropolis filled with millions of moving parts, 
each with its own story. During this trip, I felt
 a sudden realization of the scope of this city, 
and coming from an upbringing in Utah I 
found the contrast fascinating. This piece is 
my effort in capturing the density and motion 
of New York City; a place that was instrumental 
in broadening my perspective of the world, 
and driving my growth as a photographer.


British artist, photographer and director, known for his cinematic style and the narrative themes woven throughout his work. Finn’s images have earned him a loyal following and clients such as Apple, Cartier, Tesla, Audi and Omega. Finn has published two best-selling books on photography (available in 11 foreign language editions), and his work has been featured by many notable publications such as The Guardian, Wired Magazine & Forbes.

“The Whale’s Mouth”

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“The Whale’s Mouth” is the first piece in my 
“Atmøs” NFT collection. This is a series 
celebrating the elements in full flow. How 
small we all are in comparison. I love nothing 
more than capturing their unrestrained might 
at work. This particular piece depicts a rare
 “Whale’s Mouth” cloud formation/thunderstorm 
that threw lightning bolts, fierce winds, tornadoes, 
and hailstones the size of tennis balls across 
the East Coast of the US in 2018. One of nature’s 
most alarming and astonishing phenomena, 
the shelf cloud looming over Manhattan, is 
often referred to as a ‘whale’s mouth’ since 
the dark and ribbed formations give the 
impression of being consumed by a giant 
whale. Regarded as one of the most severe 
weather events on record to pass through 
the Hudson Valley, I wanted this NFT to expand 
on the story depicted in the image. Using 
the token itself as a canvas, I have inscribed details 
associated with the storm (pooled from news 
& area weather reports from the area) into the 
metadata. This link that NFT’s provide, a blend 
between art and technology, forms a unique 
record of a rare atmospheric event now 
immortalised on the blockchain.


I’ve been drawing lines in NYC for nearly 25 years ..

“Another Six Degrees Of Cognitive Dissonance”

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My Genesis piece on SuperRare Ink On Board 30″ 
x 40″ All hand drawn-no rulers used to draw lines. 
Approximately 300 hours to complete. The winning 
bid has option to own physical drawing. Any separate 
bidders above 5 ETH who do not win auction will 
receive a numbered print 30″ x 40″ in size. Numbers 
will be ordered from highest to lowest bids from reserve 
price. If winning bidder collects 3 of any 30″ x 40″ 
drawings on board within any given time, I will 
create an entirely new drawing (ink on paper) in the 
same scale as a gift and a gesture of my gratitude. This work belongs to #Dart2121 exhibition. From 
the 23rd of November 2021 to the 6th of February 
2022, Milan – Dart Museum – Permanente di Milano – 
Wrong Theory


My practice encourages the viewer to turn their mind from the fragility of the material world, towards a contemplation of something more stable and infinite. I depict a visual realm at once fantastical, foreign and strangely familiar. Three-dimensional, dreamscapes composed of fractal shapes and ordered geometric patterns are populated by extra-terrestrial forms, anthropomorphic machines and plant-life moving purposefully throughout spaces that operate as portals into the psychological.


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Mung-wok is a multi-lingual elf, capable of 
morphing into any living creature he looks 
at. He is a friend to all, including those he is 
yet to meet. To them he appears as one of 
their own. He spends most of his time investigating 
the natural landscape meeting and helping all 
the wonderful species he encounters. When the 
sun begins to set you can hear him singing his 
name to the other animals, they find this incredibly 
soothing. The tone of his voice magically synchronises
 with the warm glow from the sun, allowing them the rest 
they need. These ancient psychedelic creatures are 
expert healers, capable of manipulating reality. 
They stumbled across our dimension a few 
millennia ago, bringing wisdom and mischief 
along with an infinite supply of laughter. They 
harnessed the magical energies of the invisible 
realm in order to manifest themselves amongst 
us. Using complex mystical powers to intricately 
intertwine and sew their sacred intelligence into 
the fabric of our lives. They teach through plants 
and playful metaphors, showing us how to realign 
with the natural flow of the multiverse.

Author profile

SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

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