Excited to announce that our upcoming exhibition “SuperRare GenZs” will open on this Friday (Oct 30) 4-6pm EST.
Featured artists: blacksneakers, etiene crauss, Fakito, Fede Bona, femzor, fewocious, harvmcm, jonathanwwolfe, KaySha, MERCPIN, mushbuh, parrott_ism
Time: Oct 30, 4-6pm EST
Location: Decentraland SuperRare Museum (55,94)
Register: https://events.decentraland.org/en/?event=c083d94f-7e4c-4506-847d-3858022de819
Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, are the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years. They are often dubbed as “digital natives” in contrast to previous generations.
This exhibition aims to examine the next generation of art through Generation Z artists who are also adopters of the emerging crypto art (i.e. digital art tokenized on blockchain). It covers topics such as their intimate relations with technology, internet and social media as digital natives. Gen Z artists value freedom, independence, passion, authenticity, genuine emotions and fun. They are true to themselves, good at self-marketing, and supportive of fellow artists. Culturally, Gen Z artists are born in a more inclusive, diverse society. They are actively engaged with social and political conversations, able to vocalize and express on behalf of their communities, adaptive to and pushing for changes. As young adopters of cryptoart, they are a group of young artists open to new ways of doing things, and keen to grasp new opportunities. In the end, we will see how all these fit perfectly with the tech & culture of cryptoart.
Internet: infinite access to art
Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, are often dubbed as “digital natives.” Not taking all for granted, they are highly aware of the opportunities technology, internet and social media are bringing to their artist careers. With the internet, Generation Z artists are able to consume a huge amount of art on a daily basis (mostly for free) ever since a very young age. They don’t need to visit physical museums or galleries in order to learn about art. Instead, they have immediate and almost infinite access to a diverse range of art, most up-to-date artistic developments from all around the world. They are constantly stimulated and inspired.
Social media: exposure to large audiences
The internet (especially, social media) has equally given them large exposure to their own audiences. They no longer need to be represented by galleries in order to be seen or to survive as artists.
Self-taught & self-expressing
With unlimited access to information, Generation Z artists are more than ever self-taught, therefore are able to find and develop their own unique artistic languages and styles.
Large exposure to one’s own audience across social media also allows artistic freedom: they aren’t afraid of staying true to themselves and finding their own voice, because social media creates everyone’s own niche and audiences.
Gen Z artists value passion, independence, freedom, authenticity, feelings and fun. They don’t undervalue what’s happening mentally and emotionally – and as artists they are excellent at expressing through art what other people find hard to put into words.
For this generation, staying true, honest and authentic to one’s art is believed as the key to success, and “self-expression” is one of the main purposes of art.
Online communities
They connect with people with similar interests from all around the world, form online artist communities, inspire and support each other, collaborate, and grow together. Daily interactions with online artist friends provide them with immediate feedback useful for their artistic growth. Online connections to people also bring them various kinds of opportunities. The art world of Generation Z has truly achieved “global” (regardless of nations/regions) perhaps for the first time in art history.
Individual art businesses
With access to large audiences, these young artists are able to form their own art business. They know the importance of self-marketing and getting out there. They consume, then create and share art on social media. They connect directly to their followers, and with their own art businesses they can support themselves and their artist dreams, as an alternative to be represented by galleries. This also suits perfectly well with crytoart’s model. In the cryptoart world, everyone is representing and marketing for themselves and needs to find their own audiences/collectors.
Diversity & inclusivity
Technically, Gen Z artists embrace more diversity of styles, medium/techniques, subjects, and the definitions of “art.”
Culturally, they grow up in a world that values inclusivity, accepts differences of people, embraces uniqueness, and encourages self-acceptance. Gen Z artists are more comfortable with their identity, sexuality and gender, brave to be themselves and supportive of others.
They are aware of the injustice in society, difficulties faced by different groups of people, and social complexities. They grow to be responsible world citizens, push for changes, get actively involved with important social and political actions, engage in conversations, speak for their communities, and listen to each other.
Cryptoart & Generation Z
Facing the flaws and outdatedness of traditional art systems, Gen Z artists are open to experimenting new ways of doing things.
Cryptoart surely brings new opportunities to these young, digital native artists. Cryptoart not only understands the value of digital art, but also gives value to it. Cryptoart is as accessible as the internet is – something can hardly be achieved by physical galleries. It gives importance to digital art and digital artists, brings further value to the daily interactions already happening on social media, and makes “full time digital artists” possible.
As cryptoart can be accessed by collectors and purchased within fingertips (and artists don’t need to give up half of the pay to galleries), these young cryptoartists can make a living off their true passion, afford their family, and go on exploring new mediums and new ideas.
Cryptoart seems to be an updated version of the art world, and Gen Z artists can often adapt to it with even much less difficulties than to traditional galleries. It’s not hard to imagine that this new generation of digital artists will start and develop their artist careers through cryptoart, as cryptoart is way more accessible, technology friendly, and adaptive to rapid changes of today’s society.
Exhibition Interviews
blacksneakers: Giving Social and Political Voices
Etiene Crauss: Making Masterpieces From Our Bedroom
Fede Bona: Make Art, Share Art, Repeat.
FEWOCiOUS: Figuring out Who i Am
jonathanwwolfe: Living off my passion
Kaysha: Young, Imaginative, Inspired by Life
parrott_ism: Inside Down, Upside Out
Curator @SuperRare