SuperRare x Joanie Lemercier
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by Joanie Lemercier Joanie Lemercier is a French artist primarily focused on projections of light in space and its influence on our perception. He cofounded visual label AntiVJ in 2008, worked alongside artists such as Flying Lotus, JayZ and Will Smith. In 2010,…

Top 10 Picks by The Ostal Project
“Weekly Top 10 Picks” can be contributed by anyone in the SR community. To participate send your weekly 10 favorite artworks on SuperRare to [email protected] and we’ll get your picks featured! Weekly Top 10 Picks by The Ostal Project Damnatio memoriae by francescomai LIQUID_TEMPERED// by fvckrender Patterns Unfolding by Victor Mosquera…

SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report
November 23-29 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare. #10 Alchemy by Esteban Diacono was collected by ryandeiss for $6,479 #9 REWIRE// by fvckrender was collected by sirnigel for $7,136 #8 Electric Nature by Reisinger Andres was collected by ohhshiny for $7,937 #7 The Babadook…

SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report
November 16-22 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare. #10 ‘A Goodbye to an Atomic Century’ by Norman Harman was collected by sirnigel for $4,284 #9 Parabola by Totemical was collected by gltr for $4,449 #8 Animism by Totemical was collected by landbaron555 for $4,493…

New Artists On SuperRare
Weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare. kittybast Manchester, UK Lachlan Turczan Los Angeleslachlanturczan.comArtist VAVEILI All Socials⬇⬇linktr.ee/vaveiliA versatile artist & brand owner based in Atlanta. His work visualizes his perspective of an artistic utopia but yet, sometimes dark. When it comes to touching new mediums and breaking boundaries, he is…

Okytomo: Ruins
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] I see them as infinite, elementalExecutors of an ancient pact,To multiply the world like the actOf begetting. Sleepless. Bringing doom.They prolong this hollow, unstable worldIn their dizzying spider’s-web(…) Jorge Luis Borges Okytomo’s Ruins collection is a series of ruins that embody the spirit…

SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report
November 9-15 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare. #10 To Keep the Shower Running by Osinachi was collected by kvg_dpc for $3,572 #9 CONTINUUM by Glass Crane was collected by gltr for $3,749 #8 Living sculpture #1 by Jon Noorlander was collected by artcurious…

New Artists On SuperRare
Weekly introduction to new artists on SuperRare. tropicalvirtual tropicalvirtual.netTechnical artist. 3D art, animations & VR projects in a surreal & retro-futuristic style. Coming from the vaporwave community as an album artist and music video creator I’m excited to bridge the world of cryptoart with the boundary pushing themes, aesthetics &…

Combating the Disinformation Age with Art and Crypto
Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by Jake Johns’ 💎 @bigcomicart Artist Jake Johns’ and the inspirations behind an artistic social media revolution utilizing Blockchain Technology, a.k.a. “Crypto Art”. “Did you look at your phone before you peed this morning, or during midstream?…” asks the question by one of…

Elephant Dreams
SR interview with RAC & Andrés Reisinger How did you get into cryptoart? RAC: I’ve been into crypto since 2017 and witnessed the first iterations of NFTs back then. A lot of ideas were thrown around but it stayed off my radar until 2020. I felt like I…