SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report

July 27 - August 2 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare.…


By Hallidonto The children of the eighties are the prototypes of upgraded humanity. They are the children of the digital age, children of the first generation cyborg. The concept of humanity is being transformed while post-modernism introduces a new era in art. Via computers, television, cartoons and comics…

Interview with Collector: Cao Yin

Cao Yin’s Favorite Top 3 Collections Robbie Barrat, Saint Nazaire This is the first officially released artwork of Robbie Barrat after he has started his academic program and set up his studio in Saint Nazaire Art School since last year. Robbie said in the explanatory note of the…

How an Idea Was born and Changed During the Creative Process

This editorial is written in four hands by me (Fabiano Speziari) and Miwa. We want to tell how was born the idea of ​​the Clod 555.…

SuperRare Art Market Weekly Report

July 20-26 Weekly recap of the 10 highest digital art sales on SuperRare.…

Who is sauce_k?

sauce_k is a twenty-four-year-old artist-designer-philosopher-painter-illustrator-screenprinter-human that is super-stoned, super-fly and on a mission: “Show the world my mind.” …

Exclusive Interview with Amina/Ethan Tyrer: the Imaginary Worlds of Magic and Strangeness

Amina (Ethan Tyrer) is a musician and artist based out of Los Angeles. Amina has released 3 albums and an EP, exhibited work at museums in Los Angeles, Seattle, and San Francisco, and performed in venues across the country.…

An interview with SwS (Pirate Sheep and Flufflord) by a Computer

SwS is a safe place to experiment on big projects that would be hard to encompass and imagine as one person. Jokingly, SwS is kind of like the cute version of Borg from Star Trek. We started SwS in our teens, as a 2D comic book project, that…

Aether: SuperRare Virtual Reality Art Show

This coming Friday, June 26, we will be opening SuperRare’s first virtual reality art show, Aether, in VRChat. Exhibited in the VR world are 3D sculptures by seven of our 3D/VR artists: Frenetik Void, Giant Swan, Glass Crane, Marc O Matic, Metageist, Rosie Summers and Sven Eberwein. This…

Interview with Collector: Colborn @ M○C△

SuperRare Collector Series This week we feature an interview with one of our top collectors Colborn who has collected 352 artworks on SuperRare as of June, 2020. On Glass Crane Naturally it’s difficult to pick a favorite, but immediate to recognize the extraordinary talent and deep symbolism that…