Weekly Top 10 Picks by an

Circle of Life by @aesplusf

This NFT marks the obsolescence of the boundary between art, fashion, and advertising by existing both as an artwork and as a fashion campaign for the Nano Collection by Gentle Monster. A soundscape by award-winning composer Dmitri Kourliandski accompanies the piece. The campaign video artwork was released in 3 aspect ratios and the Verisart certificate includes a private download link to the 3 full-length high bitrate video files.

Spin by @dirk_koy

This video shows part of the Swiss city of Basel and the Rhine. The city seems to be in constant transformation, but always comes back to the origin. A research of perception. Loop: 4s / 1800 x 1800 pixels

Swimmers by @ferliv

Swimming in a dream can sometimes mean you are exploring new things in life, or wish to have a fresh beginning.

The Golden Firmness – The Queen by @timcet

Piece of the Surreal series “Dust of Time” inspired by the Chess game. This illustration is about the importance of power and control. It’s very easy to fall into the obsession with the search for these great universal powers and it’s just as easy to be blinded by selfish and distorted ideals. It’s easy to remain in one’s own comfort and ease, filling oneself with material desires that never end. This is a criticism of the extreme and vain pomp, which should solve concrete problems and organize life in the best possible way but, in its fiction, it remains seated indifferent. Size: 4000 x 3200 px

Transgenesis by @marigoldff

A rebirth, a transformation, a metamorphosis of a hybrid, gender-less creature. A gestational process, a placenta where life takes new forms.

The Weight of Your Words by @inessrychlik

The lightest of words can still mark us deeply. * Digital photography, Self-portrait (using my hypersensitive skin). This piece comes with a signed physical print.

Perfect Faith by @dawidplaneta

The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” One of the first pictures from “The Minipeople” – art series that illustrates my experience with depression. Crane totem reveals the secrets of longevity and spirit centered creativity and their connection to the eternal and divine realm. With the crane spirit animal bird you become witness to the power of your emotions and how they rule every facet of your life. Emotions can lead you into a gale storm where you feel lost and powerless, it is not until you get into the eye of the storm that your power is revealed to you.

A Romantic Drama by @viniciuscosta

This is one of my favorite artworks, it is always on the front of my portfolio and I didn’t create any of these elements to be literal, instead, I encourage you to discover and to feel it. “It took me a long time to create this visual story about relationships, this image has a strong visual appeal using vibrant colors and high levels of details, it simply stays in memory and this visual impact does not come very often. ” On my perspective, this visual story depicts the ups and downs, using surrealism, of a complex relationship one might be experiencing, on the right side we have the first romantic dinner where one tree trunk exposes itself and its wood became a chair while the other one listens planted in this vase, on the left, we have this “ring” squeezed to fit on this finger with enormous value, this image plays with traditional society values and the weight of the world sits on this single centered chair, in the back we see this joyful conversation taking place or perhaps just gossip ?

PP_F_018_1 by @quayola

PP_F_018_1 is part of an ongoing series started in 2015 focusing on the heritage of landscape painting, and more broadly a reflection on man’s tradition of representing nature. Drawing from Impressionism, Quayola pursues a methodic observation of natural patterns using advanced technological apparatuses. The results of his research are ephemeral algorithmic compositions blending opposite realms: nature and technology, representation and abstraction, and ultimately human and machine. Quayola suggests a new understanding of the natural world, achieved through the collaboration with technology. For PP_F_018_1, inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh, Quayola has returned to the same countryside of Provence some 130 years later to capture some of the same iconic natural compositions. The resulting computational paintings are generated by the analysis of ultra-high-definition videos. Employing custom software, the source videos are transformed into algorithmic animations resembling real paint, while simultaneously exploring new digital aesthetics. — The winner of the NFT auction will receive a custom archival box with physical certificates, documentation material, a print and an SD card with a 4k version of the work. A professional video player with the work will also be included. — In collaboration with bitforms gallery.

Wave by @soyounleeart

Wake up, the world is changing… ‘Wave Mango’ was born from ocean whitewater when the stars dropped in the ocean. This gentle challenger is on a mission to make the world buoyant. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” -Buckminster Fuller 4800×6000 px, 1/1, Exclusively available on SuperRare

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Curator @SuperRare

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