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Martin Salfity (Instagram) is a digital artist born in Salta, Argentina. Using 3D as a main tool, the focus of his work is on the intersection between the unseen and the tangible. On the edges of that blurry line is where he captures and brings to light extraordinary creatures and impossible scenarios. Currently lives and works in London, UK.
Experimental animation that tickles the mind’s fancy is Martin Salfity’s forte with his colorful and hyperrealistic visuals. His work tends to center around the way he can manipulate chromatic palettes and elements of motion in a nuclear sort of dance. Transformative and fluid, the animations have a mesmerizing effect with all the different ways of metamorphism plays out in each clip.
Salfity is methodical in the way he chooses his subjects and even utilizing a boundless array of objects to tinker with. The fruits of his creativity often result in high-resolution imagery that truly flaunts the 3D graphics’ particulars. His work has proved to even explore a more complex and molecular level, with thousands of small details meticulously strung together to produce a conglomerate that seems to be its own sentient, thriving being.
Soft blurs of the edges of the frame also enhance the talent found in Salfity’s body of work. There is simply so much to explore and be enchanted by. The polychromatic and fluttering world this artist has dexterously fabricated is thrilling to experience time and time again. Martin Salfity’s 3D animated visuals are bright, fun, and expertly curated for a wide audience to appreciate the art of motion.
Salfity expertly renders digital macrocosms in which he manipulates the borders of elusive forms to the whims of his creative will. His process is a skillful one as he embarks on astutely choosing varying consistencies and surfaces to mingle with one another in a symbolic manifestation of motion. The artist illustrates his visions with various digital tools on a level that is triumphantly singular. Salfity explores the profundity of his artistic range with every work he creates. One can admire the depths of complexity he is willing to dive into with panoramas of digitally rendered reefs flourishing with an assortment of species, all beautiful and unique. This further attests to the endless artful persuasions that Salfity is able to elucidate all along the output of his work. The contexts of which his subjects are nestled in express some kind of thoughtful abstraction and regard for exemplary aesthetics.
There is much to observe and admire in Salfity’s 3D visuals as they stand to dazzle viewers and radiate an element of sheer fascination. The pixelated scapes bear the fruits of the visionary’s labor, a computerized canvas for the finest colors to drape across immaculate structures and sculptures. The nature of Salfity’s art is one of optical ideals and intellectual design based on the mind’s perception of tangibility. When viewing his 3D illustrations, one sees the objects and feels the image on a cerebral level, wrapping the mind around the forms and their assigned quality. What makes this artist’s work so captivating is the intensely detailed capture of such tactile sense through motioning figures embedded in the most stunning environment that seeks to elevate. Every element contained in his expression is wholly intentional and simply alluring to take in. Martin Salfity is an inventive artist who renders chimerical digital images that awe viewers endlessly.
Article Author: Jamie Favela
Visual Atelier 8 is an award-winning digital publication that empowers global creatives and design innovators, founded by Dana Dimitras and Alexandr Tcaciuc.
Sound&Music: Nico Warschauer
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