We, the UntitledArmy

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected]

Hi, UntitledArmy is a collective of broken pieces, the untrust fund of Brooklyn artist Lucas Camargo.

After more than 10 years working for advertising on a climbing later of glory and unhappiness, around 2017, Lucas then decided to quit his long career to pursue a dream of art, the old creative holy grail. He just wasn’t counting his wife would leave him in the same week. “That broke me, I just had quit my career for a dream and I had a creative blackout, I did nothing for months and eventually I turned myself to sketching as a way of pulling my feelings out of myself.”

Every day he would go to a coffee shop and sketch something without any idea, one hour, no pressure. That started his everyday project called #HighOnCoffee, which collected more than 860 sketches so far. A free from judgment exercise that conjured the UntitledArmy. “When you lose everything, that is the closer you get to be free. I would just put whatever I felt in the pages, and becoming an unnamed figure allowed ideas I would be ashamed or scared of, and one day these characters arrived”

The UntitledArmy has expanded its vision into oil paintings, 3d renders, animations and sculptures. “I am capturing raw life and emotions that we all have. We all suffer, we all laugh, and my whole art was born from the need to paint my tears with colors”

“In a nutshell, I am the puppet of a big art masterplan that might take me to nowhere but helps to struggle through life.”

This week UntitledArmy is bringing the piece “We” and introducing “MEtosis” as a study in 2 parts.


“We” is an ongoing life achievement. The volatile nature of our relationships defies the fairy tale of “and they lived happily ever after.”

Forever is too big of a word when you can’t even hold things a day at a time.
This image was the pivot of my artistic journey in this reality we are sharing, it wasn’t planned, pure unfolding actions of what happened in my broken life, a failed marriage, and a frustrated artist.

I did not know what “We” was until experienced the end and had to rebirth, this is an image so powerful to me that is at the same time one of those special moments that I captured and cursed because it did cost everything I had to feel this.

Introducing MEtosis.

Splitting up after a long marriage was one of those moments that made me realize how I wasn’t paying attention to the ones around and mostly me. I wanted to leave myself too but soon figured that you can’t just escape from yourself.

I divided this piece into two movements, Flesh and Beyond.

MEtosis, part one.

Part one is the Flesh, it captures the tension and confusion of wanting to run away. I wanted to leave myself behind, build something new. I wanted to do art my whole life but I stuck in a job I hated.

You are the problem you are trying to avoid.

MEtosis, part two.

Part two is the Beyond, it brings conversation, expansive energy. When I went thru the painful process of ending a relationship, I discovered I had many angles, I was pretending to be one when we are many. You can’t run from yourself but you can fold into infinite possibilities.

Darkness and colors are part of one’s existence.

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SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

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