Exhibitions, projects and special releases.
Digital Curating of Crypto Art Exhibitions
In 1863, rejected by the jury of the official Paris Salon, Paul Cezanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet exhibited their own artworks in the Salon des Refusés. The 1863 Salon des Refusés featured some of the century’s most celebrated works.
The effect of a small group of Impressionist painters jointly exhibiting their works over a decade was revolutionary on the art world. They influenced not only other artists worldwide, but showed the society of their age a new modern way of painting. “To exhibit is to find allies for the struggle.” Manet remarked. The Impressionists formed an opposition to the conservative art world and became a role model for all subsequent avant-gardes.
It’s under such light we understand the importance of crypto art exhibitions. Exhibitions intervene directly in the discourse surrounding what counts as art, introduce new ways of seeing and give birth to new rules in the art world.
In a sense, by organizing exhibitions the crypto art community is forming similar allies among itself. Instead of passively waiting to be acknowledged by the traditional museums and galleries, crypto artists, collectors and curators across the internet gather in the metaverse to build their own virtual space, hosting crypto art events and exhibitions. In doing so, they initiate dialogues around the definition of art in the digital age, provide new ways of looking at art for viewers across the globe, and further the development of the crypto art movement.
Curating is going through fundamental changes as a generation native to digital tools begins to explore new formats of exhibiting and experiencing art. And we are excited to facilitate the curating of crypto art exhibitions in this new digital age.
SuperRare Features: Art Empowered by Contexts
SuperRare Features – Exhibitions, Projects and Special Releases – provides a place where artists can share their stories, journeys and contexts of art, engage in in-depth discussions around art itself, and make their visions clear and articulate to others. It’s where art itself is empowered.
The full potential of crypto art is not limited to revolutionizing the art market, but the art world as a whole. Like all art, the real, enormous value of crypto art does not only lie in the financial, but also in the aesthetic, moral, and spiritual.
By featuring exhibitions, projects and special releases, we hope to offer a medium through which art becomes known, an art-focused narrative to balance out the current dominant market/speculation/hype/FOMO trend of crypto art. We want SuperRare Features to be an important site of exchange in the social, historical and political meaning of art, where signification is constructed, maintained, and sometimes deconstructed, where the cultural meaning of crypto art is established and emphasized, where the full potential of art is realized.
How to be featured
We welcome self-initiated projects and special releases from artists. For exhibition, we welcome curation from artists, collectors, curators, critics and art historians to contribute to the long-term value building of crypto art. We are open to different curatorial voices and perspectives, and aim to sustain a diverse art ecosystem that embraces multiple views on the definition, meaning and evaluation of art.
What to prepare if you want to curate an exhibition:
- Exhibition title
- Subtitle
- Curatorial text
- Curators (links to SR)
- Start date
- End date
- Location (virtual/IRL)
- Location URL
- Featured artists on SuperRare (links to SR)
- Featured artworks on SuperRare (links to SR)
- Artwork summaries for each artists
- Cover image (2000 x 1000px)
- Installation views, related images
- Related videos (panels, interviews, studio visits, etc.), titles of the videos
- Editorials
What to prepare if you want to submit a project/special release
- Title
- Subtitle
- Detailed description
- Cover image (2000 x 1000px)
- Start date
- End date
- Location (virtual/IRL)
- Location URL
- Featured artists (links to SR)
- Featured artworks on SuperRare (links to SR)
- Artwork summaries for each artists
- Curators
- Related images
- Related videos, titles of the videos
- Editorials
- For inquiries, contact [email protected] at least 2 weeks prior to your preferred start date.
- We are highly selective on what to publish on SuperRare Features. So make sure to submit only when you have the best quality content ready.
- Not all fields are required, but the more thorough information you can provide, the more likely your exhibition/project/special release will be featured.
Cover image: Cellular Healing by pajaritaflora-digital
Curator @SuperRare
Yes!! Let’s meet at the Cafe!