Oscar Petterson: Intricate Loops

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected]

Oscar Pettersson is Stockholm based 3D motion designer. He create intricate and seamless motion disguised in playful and delicate simplicity. Oscar transforms complexity into geometric designs of the cleanest order. With surrealistic concepts and infinite motion he leaves the audience with an urge to understand.

Basket Balett – sound by @darwoodmusic
How would you describe your art in your own words?

Infinite Motion, Minimastic design and Intricate concepts. 

How did your artistic style evolve over time?

I’ve realized I’m more of a conceptual / animation driven artist than a design oriented. And those realizations navigate my style. It’s a hard balance between thinking new and at the same time be consistent.

Out of Office – sound by @olga.wojciechowska
Geometrical, timing and precision come to mind with your loops. Is this something you consciously look to incorporate?

Perfect timing rarly exist in the real world so that’s why I’m creating it for my viewers to appreciate and enjoy perfection on repeat, forever. I love to scale down to the essential, so that’s why I usually end up with geometrical design. Perfect timing is the most joyful work I do, that’s why it shines through.

Coffee Cross – sound by the band @lowressthlm
Where do you find the inspiration behind your design?

I follow a lot of engineering/physics accounts on instagram/YouTube where I find a lot of inspiration, then I like to combine that complexity with simple and clean design. A lot of my design decision are based on the animation and the concept. 

What specifically do you enjoy about creating infinite loops? What makes it unique or special to you?

It’s short and manageable. I prefer making something small > great instad of something big > bad. But someday I will try to do something big > great. 

PipePad – sound by @binarycharm
What’s your creative workflow like? How do you begin to execute an idea?

I usually start out with a wage idea of what I want to create, and then a lot of interesting problems appear. And problems usually create new problems. The harder the problem is the better content I create. I know there is always an interesting concept behind every problem. 

What work are you most proud of?

My proudness have a short expiration date. But a couple of my loops on instagram still got something. Out of a 100 artworks nr 100 wont be the best one 🙂 Sometimes the stars align and you create something great. 

Practice Perfection

Oscar is releasing his genesis piece here on SuperRare today. We don’t want to miss that!


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SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

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