Weekly Top 10 Picks: #ManardsCurates

We’re excited to announce a new Editorial initiative “Weekly Top 10 Picks” that anyone in the SR community can contribute to. To participate send your weekly 10 favorite artworks on SuperRare to [email protected] and we’ll get your picks featured!

Weekly Top 10 Picks by MANARDS

Neural Delights #1 by quasimondo

This work is part of a series of GAN generated images that I created as a contribution for Nick Knight’s “Fashion Digital Future” – first shown at Harrods, London in October 2020. In an iterative process I call “Transhancement” I reinterpret catwalk images from 20 years of fashion shows. For this I trained a custom neural network on “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by 16th century painter Hieronymus Bosch. As a result it deliberately misinterprets the data it is given and produces forms and textures that are undoubtedly reminiscent of his aesthetic whilst at the same time introduces surreal shapes and strange compositions. For this series I developed my own custom GAN architecture and training process which attempts to generate a rich variety of textural details whilst at the same time tries not to imitate brush strokes but maintain its own “convolutional” aesthetic.

The Forest Worm by beyondbola

Encounter with a creature from another world

Rose by Thato

Delicate petals

Rock ‘n Roll by Alessio De Vecchi

A reflection about the state of surveillance we have to endure.

Gypsy by Milton Sanz

De un tiempo ido, vengo arrojando al mundo ser quien soy. Me fue añadido y sin desearlo, que así sucedió. Las tres monedas dieron respuesta a mi interrogación. El viejo libro mostró el signo de la desazón.

The Scarlet Beast by jaw

Beauty existed long before humanity..

影の重み by Frenetik Void

Heavy enough to unbalance.

The Persistence of Cats by KILLER ACID

Endless Information by ALGOMYSTIC

Endless streams of information continuously flow toward us, overwhelming us while simultaneously addicting us. 2 second looping gif. 60 frames @ 30fps 1024 x 1024 pixels

On Pleasures of Manifold Gardening by Helena Sarin

my favoritest genre – an assemblage of purely AI generated scenery and analog life drawn figures

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SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

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