Dressing player one: Fashion comes for gaming

Traditional fashion comes for the metaverse as game wearables skyrocket in both popularity and sales.…

Fashions fade, NFTs are eternal: the future of fashion NFTs

Skins, POAPs, NFTs, and charity collide in the next phase of fashion.…

THE METAJACKET, the future of fashion born from gaming

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Since the COVID era, a lot have changed, new questions and disruptions are brewing, innovation is happening from every corner of the globe, NFT’s and digital art are leading the way,  creators energy and synergies have never been so powerful. One sector that…

Till Janz: Me myself and my

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Till Janz is a photographer, artist and tech geek at heart, who has built an international career as an image maker exploring storytelling and technology. He has gained international recognition over the years and his personal work has been published in many publications…