Celebrating women in Web3

Web2 was focused on looks, but Web3 is rapidly changing. The difference? There are more women and marginalized voices involved in the production.…

Web3 is not as private as you think

Join us on a quick trip back to ETHDenver where a bunch of hackers and NFT collectors talk security in Web3.…

Dressing player one: Fashion comes for gaming

Traditional fashion comes for the metaverse as game wearables skyrocket in both popularity and sales.…

Fashions fade, NFTs are eternal: the future of fashion NFTs

Skins, POAPs, NFTs, and charity collide in the next phase of fashion.…

On decentralized governance: The case for DAOs and structural revolution

The time has come to fight for something new, something better.…

The rise of collector DAOs and how to start your own

There are so many reasons to get into NFTs, but one big obstacle stopping most from getting in: the price. Check out how collector DAOs can make asset acquisition of all kinds easier and more accessible. …

A peek into the Island of Berlin and the future of the digital-social experience

Can events happen in the metaverse and in the physical world at the same time? Matt Schapiro is the founder of imnotArt, a metaverse-native NFT gallery located simultaneously in Cryptovoxels and in Chicago, USA.…

Into the Metaverse: a short history

Ever wonder where the concept of the metaverse came from? Join SuperRare on a walk through the origin, history, and future of the metaverse.…

How Vellum LA is bringing digital art down to earth through digital displays

Vellum LA, StandardVision, and SuperRare bring digital art to the physical world with dazzling results.…

What I say when people ask if I am worried about the death of NFTs

When people ask me if I’m worried about the death of NFTs, I tell them about a short science fiction story by Terry Bison I’m fond of titled, They’re Made Out of Meat. …