Into the heart of WhaleShark’s NFT investing brilliance
It’s time to journey upriver into the heart of darkness to learn more about the mythical Whale Shark; his hopes and dreams, and what makes a good investment for a better NFT tomorrow.…

“The Royal Family of Firearms”: See this mind-opening portrait of the Beretta family
The Berettas – aka the Italian "Royal Family of Firearms" – commissioned artist Mike La Burt to create a psychedelic, Disney on acid, fully automated family portrait on SuperRare and it's as mind opening an amazing as it sounds.…

Interview with Collector: Creator Collection
Whatever it is, it’s driving the industry forward quickly which is forcing all market participants to scale, which in turn will lead to a much stronger foundation for the future.
Markets will cycle. Speculators will come and go. But the adoption and underlying tech is now at the point…

Interview with Collector: Cao Yin
Cao Yin’s Favorite Top 3 Collections Robbie Barrat, Saint Nazaire This is the first officially released artwork of Robbie Barrat after he has started his academic program and set up his studio in Saint Nazaire Art School since last year. Robbie said in the explanatory note of the…