#zonted Artist Spotlight: Sinclair

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Sinclair interviewed by zonted 🖼. This post first appeared on http://zonted.com/artist. Simple, yet infinitely relatable and complex. Sinclair’s abstractions let the viewer define their own fascinations with the infinite amount of emotions that we as human are capable of exhibiting. zonted 🖼 view Sinclair’s art in…

#zonted Artist Spotlight: No Paradigms

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] No Paradigms interviewed by zonted 🖼. This post first appeared on http://zonted.com/artist. No Paradigms’ 3D models are creepy and adorable at the same time. Following almost no patterns, we see No Paradigms’ art constantly evolving and are always excited to see what they sculpt next.…

Murat Yıldırım: FurryArtworks collection

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Murat Yıldırım is an artist closely followed by international contemporary art organizers and international curators with his creative works he has produced in computer environment. It shapes its skills according to the art trends of the digital world with artificial intelligence and computer-generated…

Elora : Colour Therapy

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Interview with Elora Pautrat (instagram.com/Owakita_) 1) Please tell us about yourself and the work that you make in one or two sentences. My name is Elora, I’m a french Environment Artist working for the game industry as well as an illustrator and photographer.…

The Untold Story of Olive Allen: Crypto Art Pioneer

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by RD (Twitter: @RogerDickerman) Olive Allen (OA) is a New York-based visual artist working at the intersection of art and technology. Her art, sardonic in nature, explores current cultural shifts through deeply personal experience. Olive is one of the early adopters and founders…

Build the Future: Balaji Srinivasan

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by Matt Kane The past year, I’ve been exploring historical aesthetics of fiat currency, joining back up with a series I originally created in 2006. A question my work has asked is what it could mean to shape society’s values if the paper money…

Visionary Founder: Jesse Powell

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by Matt Kane The past year, I’ve been exploring historical aesthetics of fiat currency, joining back up with a series I originally created in 2006. A question my work has asked is what it could mean to shape society’s values if the paper…

Combating the Disinformation Age with Art and Crypto

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by Jake Johns’ 💎 @bigcomicart Artist Jake Johns’ and the inspirations behind an artistic social media revolution utilizing Blockchain Technology, a.k.a. “Crypto Art”. “Did you look at your phone before you peed this morning, or during midstream?…” asks the question by one of…

VXN: Sacred Waste

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] by VXN Dirty. Rotten. Raw. Pure. I am wasted. I am decomposed matter.I am rotten. I am broken. I have eaten so much, I can’t find myself anymore. How can I be so empty and so full, all at the same time?So dead yet so alive?I must…

Ekaitza: Latin classicism and Rebellious skulls

Editorial is open for submissions: [email protected] Ekaitza interviewed by Crypto_Northerner (Twitter: @G79Manc) The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive Thomas Jefferson In the light of our egos, we are all dethroned monarchs Charlie Chaplin Luminous colour, latin classicism…