Weekly Top 10 Picks by xibbit

“Weekly Top 10 Picks” can be contributed by anyone in the SR community. To participate send your weekly 10 favorite artworks on SuperRare to [email protected] and we’ll get your picks featured! Weekly Top 10 Picks by xibbit (@_xibbit_) Snowy winter night by @witolszewski ‘Luminescence’ in motion… by @tomeriksmithart Mångata by @daniella_doodle RE:birth…

Zouzoukwa: Promoting African cultures and diversity, starting with emojis

Zouzoukwa is a project at the intersection of art, design, culture and technology created by the Ivorian artist & designer O’Plérou. Every day of 2018, he challenged himself to create a new emoji inspired by the daily life and traditional elements of Africa and publish it on Instagram.…

YONK: the VR Sculpting Duo

YONK is an expression of both Niels and Victoria as people. It is fun, playful and damn right weird at times. It encapsulates everything they have ever wanted to see in a 3D form, with the addition of vivid colours and polished textures. They let their imaginations go…

Jonathan Yeo: Portrait Painting in 3-Dimensions

Jonathan Yeo created his inaugural NFT work, minted on April 5 in exclusive partnership with Verisart and SuperRare as part of 10×10: 10 inaugural NFTs by 10 major contemporary artists over 10 weeks. Bidding is open until 1pm EDT April 8. …

Oscar Petterson: Intricate Loops

Oscar Pettersson is Stockholm based 3D motion designer. He create intricate and seamless motion disguised in playful and delicate simplicity. Oscar transforms complexity into geometric designs of the cleanest order. With surrealistic concepts and infinite motion he leaves the audience with an urge to understand.…

Reuben Wu: the Fantastic

Reuben Wu’s images expand upon our awareness of the fantastic through his use of multiple and long exposures, “moving pictures,” and the environments in which he places his camera. In Old Moons Meet New Earth II, a cracked and barren landscape is below a line of pulsating moons…


The POLYMORPHIC collection explores a universe of beings with unconventional methods of locomotion in a surreal, dreamy environment inspired by psychedelia, retro-futurism and pop surrealism. …

We, the UntitledArmy

"I am capturing raw life and emotions that we all have. We all suffer, we all laugh, and my whole art was born from the need to paint my tears with colors"…


The series DARK TECH 1 appears as four digitally sculpted and composed busts of Elon Musk as himself and as his demonic mirror self. They will be exhibited offline at Ever Gold [Projects] and online as NFTs on the SuperRare platform. The CG sculptures reference contemporary society’s obsession…

Invisible Cities: Nate Mohler

Nate Mohler is an emerging media artist who works with technology as a paint brush to build conceptual and avant-garde experiences through digital art. A 2019 UCLA graduate with a B.A. in Design | Media Arts, Mohler is intrigued with the fusion of conceptual art and technology to…
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