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Oct 9, 2020 Artist Statements

4 years ago


RTFKT, pronounced ‘artifact’, describes themselves as a “Next-gen sneaker studios, creating IRL and virtual grails for the metaverse”. The team unleashed a sensational digital sneaker earlier this year, designed after the Tesla Cybertruck. The “CYBERSNEAKER” is the first virtual sneaker that went viral.

From being at the front page of Reddit, and #1 on Elon Musk’s reddit, to being covered by Complex  Bleacher Report, Worldstar and Unbox Therapy  The CYBERSNEAKERS confused and merged realities in an “metaverse moment”, seen by over 50 million people. While some questioned if  they were real, most didn’t even think of asking the question : most people were asking how they could own a pair. 


Did Elon Musk wear these sneakers at Met Gala? Was he really wearing that cool cyberpunk airbrushed shirt ? How many people were really at the Met Gala can testify on this VS the Millions of people who viewed it, liked it, commented and shared it on Internet ? Was this a snapshot from another simulation ? If something is seen and believed to be real by millions of people, does it become real? What’s value of being able to own a piece of this viral moment ? And what comes next ? 

RTFKT : If nothing is true, everything is permitted. 

That’s the motto of the elusive brand. RTFKT is the first brand born on internet creating virtual first while also bringing to life its out of this world creations by producing 1 to 1 IRL ‘hypercrafted’ versions of their sneaker designs. Accumulating a following of over 500K and millions of views on Tik Tok and Instagram  they’ve built a fanbase who are dying to own one of their designs, virtually or physically. 

Owning a pair of Virtual Sneakers 

RTFKT believes that the future of ownership is going to be mainly based around unique virtual items, while the physical utility of items, along with their distribution, will become a hobby to a small group and celebrities. By making the CYBERSNEAKER available on SuperRare, we’re continuing this “metaverse moment”, allowing winner of the auction to be the second person, along with Elon Musk’s alter ego, to own a pair. Single edition. 


RTFKT Studios

Next-gen sneakers studios, creating IRL and virtual grails for the metaverse. Operating across realities, and simulations. If nothing is true, everything is permitted. 🌐🖖



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